Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh Noes! The Cyber Police!

Welcome to A2O. You just listened to Mel Gibson being... well, being Mel Gibson. I know it's old news, but I don't care. This next video is pretty old, but it's great. It's Jim Carrey accepting an award for Liar, Liar.

Oh, Jim. You and your antics.

This next video is a commercial for Nike and Dick's Sporting Goods. I don't know anything about football, but this is still kind of funny.

Okay so I guess the newest internet chick is some girl named Jessi Slaughter... And I also guess that people have been sending her hate mail. And now she's sad.

I have a question: Why the fuck should we care? First, there will always be haters. Of everything. Second, you put your life in public, you're going to attract haters. So quit fucking crying. Brat... If you didn't hate her in that video, try this one. You have to try really hard to not hate her after this one. It was shot shortly before the first video I showed you.

Okay, I'm done. I'll leave you with this lightning video. As you watch, ponder the age old question: Is this real or fake?

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