Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Never Mentions Fight Club

Alright, a few updates. First, I've started a second blog, which will hopefully be of interest to a lot of people. It's called Exie Records and it's awesome. It's different from this one. But it's good.

That's one of my favorite commercials right now. Where does one acquire a miniature giraffe?... I want one. (Gift ideas... only 5 more months...)

In this next video, you will see a news anchor giving a reporter the finger... But I don't speak Russian, so his reasons are unclear.

According to YouTube user soadfannumeroone, in Soviet Russia, "news gives you the finger." Couldn't have said it better myself.

In the News

Little Red Riding Hood finally makes sense. I always wondered why the wolf was so interested in that basket of goodies. Now I know. The "goodies" were actually six pounds of pot... A package addressed to "Grandma Henderson" singled out by drug dogs at a post office in Talladega, Alabama. When three guys came to pick it up, they were arrested and police found, you guessed it, six pounds of pot in the package... Criminals are morons. What happened to the days where you just drove your drugs to wherever they needed to go? Traffickers are just lazy these days... Here's the article.

And now, one of the weirdest videos in the history of YouTube... ish.

This video is still making me laugh.

But that's all for today. I'll leave you with this: The single greatest thing I've ever seen... including the first time I had sex...

The world needs this movie. More than it needs world peace... or universal health care... Search your feelings, you know it to be true...


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