Monday, August 31, 2009

Kids, Go Buy Great Britain's Porn!

So, should we skip the intro today? Yea, I thought so. Here's a video.

I love that one. Cracks me up. It also gives me a good idea of a prank I'm going to pull on unsuspecting future roommates.

Anyone familiar with the online game Evony? If you clicked the link, don't be fooled: It's far from the "best free web game..." But anyway, I'd like to talk about it... in today's rant.

Rant #47 – She’s Hot (Even Though She Doesn’t Exist)
Okay, I was on a web page downloading music and at the top of the page was an ad for some online RPG. I guess they were trying to sell their game with a picture of a female warrior with a low-cut top and big boobs. I guess it was a character from the game, because she was animated. Don’t get me wrong, she looked real. The rendering was awesome. Some of the coolest graphics I’ve seen. But she still wasn’t real. A friend of mine was with me and he points to her, looks at me and no shit, he says “Dibs.” I face palmed. “She’s not even real,” I said. And this was his answer, seriously, one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard in my life: “Who cares? She’s hot.” I face palmed again. It’s sad. What’s worse is the fact that there are web sites that are dedicated to shit like that. And I mean, if you’ve ever played a Final Fantasy game, you’ve noticed that every female character seems to be scantily clad (even if you’re high in the mountains in a foot of snow). I don’t find it offensive, just pathetic that some forty-year-old guy was like “And this character’s name will be Lulu,” as he draws a pair of 36 Triple E’s.

More shit, more shit... Anybody ever play Assassin's Creed? Great game, horrible way to end. But here's the good news.

Looks incredible, doesn't it?

Some news! So, we all know the British are crazy right? Okay, well as it turns out, their government fucked up 25 years ago, and for the next three months, retailers are legally allwoed to sell porn to kids. It's pretty funny. Don't worry, you can laugh.

Alright, that's plenty for today. I'm gonna go listen to the iBand. Adios!


1 comment:

  1. Omg i love that alien video! Where did you find it? haha i've had it on my fave list forever!!!


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