Monday, August 24, 2009

Updating Over the Weekend is Hard

It's easier to post when I'm stuck at home during the week for a few hours waiting to either work or hang out with my girlfriend. But oh well, I managed. And I've got some new stuff today that's pretty cool.

Anyone ever heard of a guy named Zac Sunderland? He's a 17-year-old just recently got back from a little trip. Around the world. In a boat. Alone. He's got a blog if you want to read it.

I also want to post this news story. It happened about two months ago, but that doesn't change the hilarity of it. If you're low on cash, but you want to get laid, look for this prostitute. She'll sleep with you for, apparently, a bag of Cheetos... Read the story.

This entry needs a video. Oh look, here's one!

Makes me smile. No dogs were harmed.

I think I'm gonna stop for now. But rest assured, more shall follow. Tomorrow, in fact. So stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. dude. the dog made me piss. lol check out mine dude.



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